Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I hope I'm not giving all my fellow overeaters heart attacks! I know it's my first post in a looooong time. :) I just wanted to point you all over to my brand-new blog - Simply Nurtured. I got sick of trying to maintain multiple blogs, so everything is going there now. And having just given birth almost 6 weeks ago, I'm ready to get back to work on my health!


FrenchyMcFrenchcake said...

I cant get to this link, it says it s not registered. is it correct?

Rachel said...

Try again.. it should be working now. Sorry!

Koifishmama said...

Yay- you're back! Congrats on your new baby. I owe a 40 pound weight loss all to YOU and your web site. Although we have never met, you've changed my life. Thank you!

brenda said...

i want to no is there a site to keep track of points am on weight-watcher i no i can go to weight watcher i want to no is there a free site were you count your points


Mark said...

Will you be updating this site with the new information from PointsPlus?