Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Budget constraints can make sticking to a diet pretty tough. We have, like.. zero cash right now, just barely enough for a grocery trip. Ground beef was on sale, as well as beans and canned tomatoes, so I'm making a monster batch of chili. I have a bunch of different size containers that I'll use to freeze it in.. some containers will hold enough for a family meal, and other smaller ones will be for single servings. I'm hoping having some easy, microwaveable stuff in the freezer will help me at lunchtime on the days when I'm out of my regular stuff. I must say, I make a mean chili.

I also got some cans of Healthy Choice soup. We had been buying the little microwaveable bowls because they were on sale, but they weren't this week. Figures. I could always put what I don't eat into a container and save it for the next day, I guess.. I hope it keeps. I've never done that before.

I got more whole wheat flour and other baking needs so I can make some delicious muffins for the kids' breakfasts. I'll post the recipe when I decide which one I'm going to make.

It sure would be nice to have an unlimited food budget and a huge chest freezer, though. Maybe I should start looking on Freecycle for a freezer. Well, probably not, since we don't have anywhere to put it. I wonder if they make ones that can go outside.. hmm.

1 comment:

MsCrys said...

Hey Rachel, my husband works at Home Depot and according to him, freezers can be kept outside.