Tuesday, March 17, 2009


My car is in the shop. Today was the second day, and I won't have it until tomorrow evening. Luckily, it's mostly all under warranty. The problem is.. I spaced out and didn't plan for lunches when I was at the grocery store, so I've been struggling, trying to come up with healthy things to eat. I'm so over my soup and toast kick, and since we switched to natural peanut butter, an apple and PB just doesn't hold the same appeal. I've also been making my own bread, and while it tastes great toasted with a smidge of butter (I've had a bite of my husband's), it's so-so for sandwiches. I can't believe I prefer store-bought bread to my own.. hmph. It's a lot of fun making it, though, and if I wasn't on a diet and allowed myself to snack on bread, I'd be all over it.

But, anyway.. my point is, it really stinks not having a car, even just for a few days. It's supposed to be really nice tomorrow, too, and I wanted to take the kids to the playground. I guess we'll just have to settle for our muddy backyard.


RitaS. said...

Hi, Rachel
I really love to eat healthy (organic) on my quest, but they are cost ptohibitive at this point. My main goal is to loose 30% of my body weight. So far I've got about 7%, so I compromise in a name of loosing weight - my own musings.
For lunch I make a lot of wraps with either chicken, egg or cheese and sauteed veggies. Also, I bake Fuji apple in microwave - it's very sweet (love sweets).

I hope this will help a bit. Sorry about you being stuck without car- it's hard.

You know, you're doing great. You're chipping away a pound at the time from your weight and its a pound closer to your goal and you're helping others meanwhile

Rachael said...

Think of the extra energy you are spending by walking...it will move your weight loss forward quicker.
Well done! Stick with it.