Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Hey guys, I'm sorry I've been MIA. I'm revamping the whole Journal of a Non-Dieter website, and it's been eating up all my free time. It should be up and running within a day or two and then I'll get back to blogging regularly. I'm excited about the new site.. all of the content has been updated, including new restaurant info and a downloadable spreadsheet for point tracking.

So stick around, good things are coming!


Doripink said...

Awesome! Can't wait!

Enz said...

You totally rock! Looking forward to your posts and your new site.

Allison said...

Hi Rachel,

Just found your blog. I think it's great! Recently, some of my girlfriends and I started a weight loss challenge to lose 10 lbs. each by May 15. We can choose our own method (as long as it's not an eating disorder...etc.). I'm taking the weight watchers approach. I'm thinking about starting a blog that will allow each of us to update about our respective journies. I will be using you as my inspiration! Thank you!

paula said...

rachel. keep goig never give up. picture yourself at your goal weight, that is who you really are. please take great care of yourself you deserve it. ask for help if you need it paula